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The Most Complete And Scalable Platform
For Graph-Powered GenAI TM


Navigate Graph Networks with ArangoDB Visualizer Find Hidden Patterns

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ArangoDB and NVIDIA are pleased to announce a
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Episode 4
Graph Hunter

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from knowledge graphs to LLMS in advanced crime-fighting

Dive into the thrilling world of Cogniware's Argos, a pioneering application that merges LLMs with Knowledge Graphs to tackle global crime and fraud, powered by ArangoDB. Each binge-worthy episode of this must-watch series will reveal more about Argos—from its inception to its operation.

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Trying to get your GenAI projects off the ground fast? Qualify for a 2-day, no cost QuickStart where you can get GraphML or GraphRAG running quickly for your GenAI projects. Rapidly demonstrate the value of cutting-edge graph data science with no risk or cost.

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Watch these 2-3 minute videos to understand ArangoDB’s Differentiation

Model Flexibility

DB Consolidation

Vs. Legacy Graph

Any Cloud. Any Architecture.

Run on 幸运飞行艇官网168开奖记录查询结果 幸运飞行艇官方开奖历史记录 Any Cloud

Choose your favored cloud platform with ArangoGraph, a fully-managed, scalable, and high-performance graph database service that delivers the added value of an integrated document store, full-text search engine, and geospatial capabilities. This unified solution offers seamless, hassle-free management of these diverse data models and types, relieving you of operational overhead and allowing you to focus on innovation and development.


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Run on ANY system. Plus, ArangoDB supports Kubernetes through its official Kubernetes Operator, which allows users to deploy and manage ArangoDB clusters within a Kubernetes environment. With Docker, you can easily deploy and run ArangoDB containers on various platforms, including local development environments, cloud infrastructure, and Kubernetes clusters.

one query background

Any Cloud. Any Architecture.

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Choose the widest range of clients of any graph database, giving you the flexibility to deploy applications fast and with languages you know and support. Developers leverage their existing knowledge base and experience, thereby reducing the learning curve and enabling more efficient and effective creation and implementation of solutions.

Develop with Favriouts
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One Language

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AQL is a unified query language letting you access all your data with a broad range of access patterns like traversals, JOINs, search, geospatial or any combination. Everyone experienced with SQL will have an easy start with AQL and might think AQL feels more like coding.


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Fully-Managed SaaS Graph DB

ArangoGraph, built on the ArangoDB Graph Database.

“With ArangoGraph, we've consolidated all the services of search, graph, and document data stores and that advances us leaps and bounds. Using ArangoGraph was the obvious choice”

- Anna Spyker
Lead Data Engineer
Decoded Health

On-Prem / Self-Managed Graph DB

Graph, integrated search engine, JSON support, and Key/Value via a single query language.

“ArangoDB Enterprise was the only Graph DB that featured a document model as well as graph. With Neo4j, well, it has a nice language if you want, but you have a lot of limitations and you don't have documents.

- Vasilis Tsolis
Founder & CEO

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